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We understand that there are many scams online and that it is difficult to shop online especially for something like a replica product, but we treat our clients money like our money and this is why our business is successful. We do not push any client to buy as we already receive a high volume of orders – if you do not trust us that is fine and we don’t want you to feel uncomfortable buying from us. If you still feel wary then please remember shopping with us is a choice, and we want you to be 100% comfortable before buying.
Due to high fraud incident rates we have decided to no longer accept credit cards directly. This is to protect both our clients and ourselves.
In most cases (But for the most part), you will not be invoiced any custom taxes or duties upon shipment delivery. Indeed, we have all orders packed in small carton boxes, with the mention “gift, no value for customs”. Though, in marginal cases (we recorded 5 cases last year), a shipment can be applied custom taxes and duties. Although we are not liable for those taxes and duties, we always offer our clients a partial compensation solution. Each situation is dealt with case by case by our customer service office.
This is a question we are often asked and we would like to clear up any misconceptions about the payment methods we accept, and why we accept them. Firstly, if Paypal would allow us to use them as a payment processor we would love to accept Paypal as it would make running our business much easier. We know it is easy for our clients to use and secure. But unfortunately Paypal does not work with replica sellers. This is because brand name companies (e.g. Louis Vuitton, Celine etc.) will sue them and fine them for processing payments for replica products. As a result we cannot accept payments from Paypal. To make it clear – it is not because we do not want you to have a secure transaction, but it is because we are replica sellers and we are not allowed to use them. Secondly, a similar issue occurs with credit card processors. They will also be fined if they process payments for replica products. This is why our payment methods are currently limited to: Moneygram, Western Union and Transferwise. We know that these are not ideal payment methods and are always looking for better payment methods to offer our clients. We hope to make it clear that your comfort-ability & security as a valued customer concern us and we are always trying to make it more easy to shop with us.
You may be amazed by some of the pictures we have up on our website. Because of their quality, you might think they are from catalogs of the genuine handbag. But that is NOT true! We guarantee 100% that all pictures taken from our site are actual pictures of our replicas handbags! The handbags look exactly as represented in the pictures, and we never, ever use anyone else’s pictures, or pictures of the genuine handbag.
Our company is handling a very large volume of emails on our products. We will try to reply all our emails within 24 hours during the weekdays. Please help yourself in finding the answers you want from our FAQ section. We have placed all the frequently asked questions here to fasten the process. If you can not find the answers you can contact us at
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